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Louise Ferry Stewart friend December 28, 2010
Dear Louise and family,
I was sad to read of your father's death.  So many of our parents' wonderful generation have died these last few years.  I know you will miss him like I miss my father. Your dad had a great life and accomplished so much.  Thinking of you all at this sad time.

Wegi Ferry Stewart
Beth Buchanan . December 25, 2010

Dear Michelle,

I am deeply sorry for your loss.  Your father certainly had a full and meaningful life.   (I have many fond memories of both of your parents from my youth.)  Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

With Love,

Beth Buchanan


Jean Campbell To: Louise December 25, 2010

Dear Louise,


My deepest sympathy on your father's passing.  I know that the past years have been difficult for you and this is must be very hard to bear.  I am so sorry.


Michigan place names caught my eye as I read the paper this morning, then I saw your name and, of course realized what had happened.  It saddened me. 


Please do not hesitate if there is anything I can do for you.



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